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CMIzapper  Technology for your Mac repair business

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MacBook Air Early 2015 13-Inch


A1466 emc2925 or emc3178

To open the Mac you need a PL4 Pentalobe screwdriver.

The motherboard number is on the top side of the motherboard, on the lower edge, hidden under the SSD.

The ROM is a WSON-8 chip (64Mbit)

To read or write ROM use Medusa with A4060 or A4160 EasyFlash adapter. EasyFlash plugs in with the arrow to the back of the Mac.

The ROM in on the bottom (hard to reach) side of the motherboard.

The SPI connector is a Hirose-12.

LIO Flex: 821-1722

Matching LIO board is 820-3455

Battery: A1496

Motherboard runs just fine without battery connected but at half (!) speed.

Matching Battery Port Tester: A4593

Great REPAIR Tools for this Mac (motherboard):

USB Tester

Plug this in every time you work on this Mac.

it will show you if the CPU/PCH is running (Green LED) even without booting into an OS, The two Red LEDs show if the Mac is on and if the 5volt line is correct. LINK

This little board works as a 'Known Good' battery. It makes it easy to see if the SMC and the ISL charging chip are working.

It also allows you to test the Mac using a power supply through the battery port. This way you can test the Mac even when the charging circuit is bad.


If the BIOS (EFI) of this Mac is messed up (locked, or unlocked by an idiot or an Apple update gone wrong) then use the Medusa to rewrite the BIOS or a Matt card to replace the BIOS.

Battery Port

Medusa &

Matt card